Polygamy dalam islam pdf

People in bireuen thought that polygamy can be done by dayah ulema to preaching. An introduction to polygamy in islam the religion of islam. Islam is often criticized because of the polygamy that it allows. The socalled secular and western global domination has maligned the subject to the extent that is impact is felt worldwide.

Polygamy and islam polygamy and islam 5 one point greatly in need of clarification is the fact that in the matter of marrying more than one woman, the initiative does not lie solely with any individual man. Plurality of marriage law and marriage registration for muslims in. However, permission to practice limited polygamy is only consistent with islams realistic view of the nature of man and women and of the various social needs, problems, and cultural variations. The pum persatuan ulama malaysia, it appears, is also piqued by a couple of writers and an ngo that have criticized groups, which offer unconditional support for polygamy. Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. Polygamy and muslim women in contemporary indonesian literature. Diperbolehkan poligami menurut islam bukan tanpa aturan, melainkan islam membolehkan poligami mempunyai sayarat dan batasan jumlah maksimal dalam brepoligami. Pada peringkat awal baik dimalaysia begitu juga di dunia islam lainnya tidak ada apaapa peraturan dibuat bagi mengawal poligami. If you have a young family, it is almost certain that polygamy is an abuse. These faults have been with both islamic communities and with their western critics. To be honest, islam was the first religion that had the courage to tackle the issue of polygamy and limit the number of wives one can have. Hukum poligami dalam islam menikah di kua dengan wna. Most historians agree that islam arrived in the malay archipelago around the.

Definition of polygamy polygamy means a system of marriage whereby one person has more than one spouse. Polygamy in islam your guide to get to know the quran. Polygamy, or comarriage to multiple wives, is discussed in the quran as a response to a specific social situation. Unrestricted polygamy was practiced in most human societies throughout the world in every age. Polygamy as a need in some cases polygamy becomes the dire need for a. Banyak pria yang menjadikan dalil poligami agar ia bisa menikah lagi dan lagi tanpa mengenal batasan. Polygamy in islam the rationale and laws behind pdf. Polygamy plurality of wives is one of the controversial questions in the family system of islam.

By published on 25 apr 2006 last modified on 21 may 2006 category. Pendahuluan konsep poligami, adalah permasalahan yang paling esensial dalam hukum islam yang berkembang dalam masyarakat muslim, dihadapan orangorang yang pro dan kontra, ide ini muncul karena dilatarbelakangi oleh kenyataan sosial empiris yang nyaris senantiasa dirasakan kekaburan dalam menangkap esensi konsep poligami tersebut. Polygamy was well known amongst pagan arab tribes prior to the advent of islam but there was no limitation for the number of wives, like in the cases of some of the prophets mentioned above. Every thing allowed in islam must have its own wisdom and great benefits for muslims. What distinguishes islam is that it is a realistic religion, it doesnt deal just with emotions but it gives practical solutions to the problems in life. The verse which allows polygamy was revealed after the battle of uhud in which many muslims were killed, leaving widows and orphans for whom due care was incumbent upon the muslim survivors. For example, the prophet s did not marry in order to get access to more sexual partners threesomes and the like are haram btw, but in order to provide safety and social status to women who would otherwise be trampled on by society at the time, widows. Furthermore, the laws of some countries may not recognize polygamy as a valid form of.

The book polygamy in islam answers the critics in a beautiful manner. The quran permitted polygamy as a solution to the pressing social welfare problems. There are several things to mention that indicate the wisdoms and benefits of polygamy, such as. Lampung universitas islam negeri raden intan lampung. It existed long before islam came into the scene of world events. Islam memperbolehkan poligami muslim beristri lebih dari hingga empat orang istri dengan syarat suami harus dapat bersikap adil terhadap istriistrinya. We use your linkedin profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. In islam, limited polygyny is permitted and polyandry is completely prohibited. Muhammad yusuf alqardhawi, halal dan haram dalam islam. Nah, berikut ini beberapa syarat poligami dalam islam beserta dalilnya. It is because dayah ulema want to have many good children. Traditional sunni and shia islamic marital jurisprudence allows muslim men to be married to.

Having many wives is one of these legal things which islam encourages 26. Women and the question of polygamy in islam springerlink. Polygamy was customary before islam and was not abrogated with the coming of islam. Its wonderful to have all of our fabulous friends, awesome writers. Seperti kejujuran, keadilan, kebenaran dijadikan sebagai pegangan dalam hidupnya. Polygamy means, a man having more than one spouse more than one wife. Shariah courts, muslim women in malaysia, polygamy, divorce, justice. Polyandry, is the woman having more than one husband. Pendidikan islam, nilai, budaya abstracteducation is an important and decisive factor in the life of a. The qurans allowance of multiple wives thus poses a challenge for the contemporary apologist, who wants his western audience to believe that islam encourages gender equality. In fact if you analyse, quran is the only religious scripture on the face of the earth, that saysmarry only one its shocking. As was stated before when talking about equality between men and women, islam takes into consideration the different nature between men and women.

Islam discourages such cruelty by permitting polygamy. Tindak balas yang menonjol di malaysia adalah penubuhan ikhwan polygamy club kelab poligami ikhwan. With the advent of islam, the islamic law condoned polygamy but a man was limited to only four wives, and specific rules regulated these marriages. Articles current issues women islam is criticized for allowing polygamy, for popular culture in the west views polygamy as relatively backward and impoverished. Mahkamahmahkamah syariah di malaysia islamic law in. Polygamy and its practice in malaysia, in undangundang islam di. A remarkable article explains the position of polygamy at all ages, the reasons for legislating it, opinions of some western thinkers,the condition of the nonmuslim societies without polygamy, the dangers of ignoring it and its position in islam.

Islam memberikan semacam keringanan lakilaki yang memang mempunyai tugas berat sebagai kepala rumah tangga itu untuk melaksanakan poligami terbatas. The practice of polygamy is a mathematical contradiction of the principle that men and women are to be treated equally. Historically, the practice of polygamy was practiced before muslims, the arrival of islam in terms of polygamy is more regulating, fortifying and limiting the. Polygamy was the practice of jews, christians, buddhist, and preislamic arabs, perhaps others as well. To allow the practice polygamy is the best way to create dignified and honorable families and society. Im in transit so i cant read the article, but i do want to say that polygamy in islam is not the sexual fantasy most imagine it to be.

Polygamy existed in varying degrees in different parts of the world, in diverse cultures before the spread of islam. The following are a few points worth of consideration in an effort to clarify the wisdom of polygamy and when it can be used. In the context of wartorn society in seventhcentury arabia, one which left many women widowed and children orphaned, the discussion of polygamy was revealed as part of a directive to treat female orphans justly. Some of the reasons why polygamy has been allowed in islam, from population statistics to the physical nature of humans. Islamic concept of polygamy, its benefits and impact on. The state of the worlds children 2007 pdf report from unicef, hosted on somayya jabarti alarming divorce rate must be addressed urgently arab news, october 24, 2003 the maldives is the only country after saudi arabia that claims to have a 100 percent muslim population. Some of the material in this chapter has been previously published in the article the question of polygamy in islam, muslim education quarterly, the islamic academy, cambridge, 1991, reproduced by kind permission of the publisher.

Tindak balas yang menonjol di malaysia adalah penubuhan ikhwan polygamy club. Polygamy in islam is a favourite topic for the critics of islam. What islam did was to organize polygamy, and restrict it to four wives under strict rules of justice. Polygamy is an issue in family law of islam in the discussion of fiqih both classic and contemporary. Polygamy and muslim women in contemporary indonesian. Hinduism allows men to have multiple wives, and the father of lord rama had three wives, whereas lord krishna had over a hundred. Islam and polygamy an introduction to the rights and.

Polygamy in islam is a favourite topic for the critics of islam and its message. In this sensibility, polygamy is permissible as it can benefit women in need, accommodate rising female populations and ensure the womens rights are being upheld. Abstrak poligami dalam masyarakat islam di malaysia memberi pelbagai reaksi daripada orang awam. Polygamy and the nature of marriage in islam and the west.

Bahkan tak sedikit priapria yang menikahi wanita hingga 5 sampai 10. Polygamy in islam support group and blog lets talk. The islamic religion allows men to have multiple wives, but how well does that actually play out in todays society. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of islam. Abd alati, hammuda, islam in focus, the canadian islamic center, edmonton alberta, canada, 1963, p. Some commentators have come to this blog and have asked why polygamy 411 focuses on the wives but on the husbands, not so much. First, let us understand why islam mandated the permissibility of up to four wives. This is one of just a couple books in english on the both widespread and controversial culture of polygamy in islam. Islam modern, termasuk muhammad abduh, berpendapat bahwa tujuan ideal islam dalam perkawinan adalah monogami. Polygamy to substitute a younger wife is an abuse of gods law 4.

What i would like to do is to address the historical context of the permissibility of polygamy in islam and take a look at how it is practiced in modern day muslim societies. One is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is polyandry, where a woman marries more than one man. Poligami merupakan pernikahan kepada lebih dari satu istri sekaligus. Polygamy in history islam did not invent the system of polygamy. Tentang konsep poligami, yang jelasjelas tertulis dalam alquran, menurut sebagian dari mereka hanyalah karena tuntutan pada zaman nabi yang pada saat itu banyak anak yatim dan janda, yang ditinggal bapaknya. Polygamy is the muslim practice most frequently and severely malig. Islam has given permission for increasing many legal things like, property, business, means of travelling, dress etc. Perkahwinan poligami boleh dilaksana pada bilabila masa sekiranya terdapat persetujuan dari pihakpihak terlibat.

Just how common polygamy in islam is isnt an easy question to answer as not all persons register or document polygamous marriages. Islam is a very sensible religion that puts focus on maintaining the family as well as the community. For many christians, polygamy is a permitted debauchery, for feminists violation of. Their motive seems just to oppose islam, hoping thereby to hamper its progress, by degrading it in the eyes of the world. Some so called modern muslim scholars have succumbed to the propaganda. There is always the conditionan inescapable onethat whatever the society, the women should outnumber the men. It is an accepted historical fact that polygamy was considered permissible in all religions of the world long before the advent of islam the custom of polygamy prevailed in arabia, india, iran, egypt, babylon and also amongst the other nations even presently, no one can deny its logical validity. Islam regulated polygamy by limiting the number of wives and establishing.

As the subtitle suggests it aims at describing the historical background, arguing for instance that early christians were polygamous, and legal practices as used throughout the. The bible says that lamech, the grandson of adam, took unto him two wives. Reasons why islam permits polygamy the religion of islam. In fact, islam is the only religion that limited this ancient and widespread practice. To begin with, one needs to recognize that the majority of the commentators on this blog are women. Poligami dalam undangundang keluarga islam dimalaysia. Dayah ulemas polygamy and its impact to the society.

The so called secular and western global domination has maligned the subject to the extent that its impact is felt worldwide. The principle was permitted, but polygamy was limited to four wives. Pdf this article aims to overview some hadiths concerning justice and equality among. In fact, polygamy came into existence even before islam. They think i always defend the men but find fault in the women.